Apply to join the
OHYA Teacher Directory
Looking to ensure your graduation certificate is seen as reaching the highest standards in our industry?
Join the OHYA Teacher Directory!
By joining the OHYA Teacher Directory, you are strengthening our goal to unite, support and promote Original Hot Yoga worldwide by ensuring our studios have teachers to continue our unique style of yoga and lineage for years to come.
Who can join?
Certified Bikram Yoga Teachers (CBYT) who graduated 2019 or prior. (We no longer register CBYT who graduated after 2019, as we have no affiliation with either Bikram or KPC Lyfe or their programs)
Original Hot Yoga Teacher (OHYT*)- those who graduated from an OHYA Approved Teacher Training.
*If you are looking for an OHY/26&2 Teacher Teacher, make sure the training is an OHYA Approved Teacher Training so you join OHYA as an Intern and have the support of the OHYA community to complete your internship and work toward your Level 1, 2 and 3 seals.
All OHYA Approved Teacher Training graduates become Interns upon earning their graduation certificate. Learn more below how Interns earn their level 1 seal by completing an Internship under OHYA standards. Learn more about our standards for Approved Teacher Trainings.
How much does an OHYA Teacher Directory membership cost?
$149- Good for 3 years. Renewals $99 for another 3 years. (OHYA Approved TT graduates pay this fee up front and the training takes care of it so all graduates are ready to join as Interns upon graduation)
We look forward to welcoming you into our community!
The OHYA Teacher Directory is organized by Level 1, (completed an internship of 75 classes), Level 2 (5 years or more teaching and taught 1,000 or more classes), Level 3 (completed 10 years and taught over 2,000 classes). Classes are self reported and may be verified by OHYA by connecting with the studios you report teaching at.
All CBYT and OHYT earn an OHYT Intern seal upon graduation and must complete an internship fulfilling the Class Recorder (showing 75 classes) while receiving feedback to have a Level 2 or 3 CBYT (preferably studio owner) sign the Certificate of Standards to confirm that our Interns teach an effective OHY class. Internships must be completed at OHYA studios or at studios with CBYT mentors that meet our standards. All Interns are responsible to find an OHYA studio (or a studio that qualifies under our standards) Internships can take up to 2 years but the minimum is 6 months. Once our Interns earn their Level 1 seal, their names go on the OHYA Teacher Directory as a Level 1 OHYT.
If you need help finding a mentor, please reach out to ohyateachers@gmail.com so we can help connect you with one. Please reach out to OHYA for any clarifications.
✔ Recognition for our unique teaching community that is dedicated to OHY.
✔ Permission to access and use the trademarked Original Hot Yoga seal on any and all marketing materials, giving instant credibility to your studio and your teaching qualifications.
✔ A free way to connect to your original hot yoga community – we never sell our lists, and our directory members have access to private support in our OHYA Teachers FB group
✔ Access to our private Facebook teacher page. A great place to have private conversations and get support for any issues facing our teaching community today
✔ To be the first to know about continuing education seminars offered by senior teachers and authorized studios to complete your furthering education requirements. (30 hours every 3 years)
✔ Stay in the loop on retreats, workshops and further education programs offered by Original Hot Yoga members
✔ The support of an association whose standards meet or exceed those of other yoga organizations, ensuring you, as a member, should qualify for a grandfather clause that protects against any changes in state regulations on yoga teachers.
We are very sorry that you did not attend an OHYA Approved Teacher Training. Our OHYA Teacher Directory is only for those who have met our standards and follow our guidelines so our OHYA community feels confident about your training supporting our mission and vision.
Continuing Education (ConEd) is a cornerstone of The Original Hot Yoga Association. OHYA Teachers are required to earn 30 hours of ConEd every three (3) years to stay in compliance with OHYA’s standards for teachers. While all continuing education is beneficial for personal growth, the vision of OHYA Continuing Education is to have teachers invest time in reviewing and improving their teaching for an effective, simple, and ultimately universally relevant, Original Hot Yoga class. To learn more about con ed-CTA to Con Ed PDF